Saturday, 19 February 2011

Training with a new born

My son has just turned 15 months. It has only really been the last few months that he has started to sleep through the night. Before he was born, I was training up to 4 days a week and this routine was working well. I knew I would be in for some sleepless nights but I was unsure on how this would affect my training. What I began to realise was how little sleep you could actually function on, compared to the regular 8 hours you may have had previously. Sleep deprivation will affect your exercise but don't get too dissapointed if you aren't as fired up for your gym sessions like before. You have to accept that some days you will feel good and others not so good. Sleep is also how we recover from a gym session. So if you used to train on consecutive days, or every other, you may need a couple of extra days to aid recovery. Go easy on yourself as well. When training, a general rule of thumb is to improve on your last session. Constant gradual improvement, will enable you to get closer to your goal. If you have had a tough night however, don't worry if you can't match your last session in regards to duration or intensity. The key is to praise yourself for exercising, even if you do less and you will always feel more energetic afterwards!

The next issue becomes time. If you are a full-time mum or dad, or if you both work, time to actually exercise probably becomes more of an issue than sleep. Life will be a juggling act at the best of times, and trying to squeeze a gym session in could be way down your list of priorities. If you are desperate to exercise but don't always have the time to get to the gym or a class, then a short power workout at home is a great way to keep you focused! I invested in a couple of Kettlebells. I fling these around in the bedroom (in a controlled way!), once my son had gone to bed. Although it wasn't the planned session I wanted to do at the gym, I was still getting my muscles working and my heart rate up. This kept my confidence up and didn't let my fitness drop too much before my next visit.

If you don't have dumbells or kit at home, then even body weight exercises are fantastic. Squats, lunges, jumping jacks, pushups, mountain climbers, planks, sprints, etc.

If you are struggling for time, come and see one of our instructors for a home workout. We can build this in to your weekly routine and provide you with some ideas to keep you exercising!

I am told the sleep and time situation about 15 years. Can't wait!


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