I didn’t have a lot of time to train today, about 30 minutes maximum. When you have very little time to train, the most efficient form off exercise is circuit training or intervals. With these types of training modes, you work at a maximal effort for short periods. Rest is kept low and exercises combined, to allow for more to be squeezed in.
I did the following:
Warm up:
- Kettlebell swings x 30 reps + 50 metre sprint at about 50% of maximum pace
- Single arm kettlebell cleans x 15 per side + 75 metre sprint at 50% of max pace
- Single arm kettlebell snatches x 12 per side + 100 metre sprint at 75% of max pace
Each set had a quick rest in between
Main session:
- Two-arm kettlebell swings x 30 + 100 metre sprint
- Two-arm Kettlebell cleans X 20 + 100 metre sprint
- Two-arm kettlebell push press x 15 + 100 metre sprint
- Two-arm kettlebell snatch x 15 + 100 metre sprint
Each set had a quick rest in between
- 5 x two-arm snatches + 5 x two-arm push presses + 5 times cleans + 5 times swings (basically working from top to bottom) then one last 100 metre sprint.
- Slow walk and quick stretch.
When you are sprinting, you demand a lot from your body. These demands not only make these forms of cardio good for fat burning but also for building muscle. Look at 100 metre sprinters. The best physiques around, but they don’t do any long distance work.